Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Study Fashion: Shane Thompson for Fashion Design!

On my first day at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), I remember going to orientation in the gym and meeting with my group. In the group was a happy, tall, and slender guy by the name of Shane Thompson who later became my "bestie." He was actually my first new friend when I got to FIT and we did everything that we possibly could together!

This is a screenshot from Facebook that includes a photo from the first couple of days TeArra, owner and founder of Ridiculously Favored began to hang out with Shane. There was a itty bitty seat in the elevator and Shane is sitting on it! Laugh out loud!

In this I Study Fashion staple, Shane gives us a look into his life as a fashion design student at one of the best fashion schools in the world, the Fashion Institute of Technology!

In this photo, Shane flexes with the legs of some ladies.
Ridiculously Favored: How were you introduced to fashion?
Shane: Believe it or not, I really was introduced to fashion through Lady Gaga. When I was high school I started listening to her music and became obsessed. After I had fallen in love with her, she decided to premiere one of her new songs (“Bad Romance”) at an Alexander McQueen runway show, so I decided to watch it. From then on, I truly began to pay attention to the garments she wore and the designers who made them. My intrigue with fashion simply grew from there. 

Ridiculously Favored: What schools do you attend or have attended?
Shane: I’m currently in my 4th year of school at FIT.
Shane with his friend Madeline.
Ridiculously Favored: What do you like about your school?
Shane: The best thing about FIT is the wide range of education that they give you; we are taught how to be artists, tailors, business people, etc. You’ll never be a good designer if all you can do is draw pretty pictures.  
Ridiculously Favored: Did you stay on campus?
Shane: Yes, I have dormed for 3 years at FIT. 

Ridiculously Favored: What were your roommates like? Were they easy to get along with?
Shane: Well, I have had a different roommate every semester that I have dormed. Some were easier to get along with than others; each one has had a distinct personality, to say the least. Regardless, I like to keep busy and spend very little time at home. I’m usually at school in the labs, at work, or out with friends. 

Ridiculously Favored: Who was your favorite professor at school and why?
Shane: The best professor that I have ever had surprisingly has nothing to do with fashion. Rachel Baum was my professor for my History of Modern Art class. She’s an intellect with the perfect amount of insanity who taught me how to see things for more than what they appear to be. 

Shane. The Man On A Mission in NYC.

Ridiculously Favored: What was your favorite class? What is your favorite thing to learn about in school?
Shane: I don’t like to limit myself to one specific favorite thing; I like to take as many courses in as many different areas as possible. I believe a well-rounded education is invaluable in life.

Ridiculously Favored: What motivated you to pursue a career in fashion and attend fashion school?
Shane: When I was in high school, I took a trip to Paris. As it so happened, it was Paris Fashion Week while I was there. I worked my way into attending a few fashion shows and I instantly knew that’s what I had to do with my life. 

Ridiculously Favored: Do you hold any degrees or what degree will you have when you graduate?
Shane: I currently have an A.A.S. degree in Fashion Design and when I graduate I will hold a B.F.A. degree in Fashion Design with a specialization in Knitwear and a minor in History of Art.

Stylish Shane.
Ridiculously Favored: What do you love about fashion?
Shane: The thing that draws me most to fashion is that it is the most tangible and relatable art form in the world; not everybody can express themselves by painting or sculpting, but many people throughout the world express themselves through style. 

Ridiculously Favored: Describe your fashion style.
Shane: I would describe my style as Minimal Edge; I wear mostly black, white, and greys, but pair it with unique accessories that stand out. I like to present myself in a clean and polished manner and in a unique and modern way.  

Ridiculously Favored: Who is your fashion icon?
Shane: I wouldn’t really say that I have one singular fashion icon. I find my inspiration from an eclectic mix of people; Daphne Guinness, James Dean, Lady Gaga, Andy Warhol, and Daenerys Targaryen; just to name a few. 
A garment by Shane.
A garment by Shane.

Ridiculously Favored: What inspires your designs?/Where do you get most of inspiration from for your designing?
Shane: Inspiration is really a fickle thing; it can come at anytime from any place. However, I often find myself inspired by concepts of art historical movements of the past, and really just esoterica in general. 

A note from RF: For those that do not know, esoterica is a word used to describe "highly specialized subjects." 

Ridiculously Favored: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Shane: It’s hard to say really. If there’s anything that I have learned from living in the city and attending FIT, it’s that you never know what’s right around the corner. Five years ago from today, I never would have seen myself as an emerging fashion designer making a name for myself and interning for a menswear company, but look where I am now. I like to just see where life takes me.

Ridiculously Favored: Would you consider yourself living out your dreams?
Shane: Definitely. I’m young, healthy, and ambitious. I’m doing what I love and not looking back. 

Ridiculously Favored: What are you working on currently?
Shane: Currently I’m doing freelance design work for private clients and interning at Ricardo Seco. But in my free time I’m also working on starting my Senior Collection for FIT. It still does not have to be done for almost another year, but I like to take a lot of time to do in-depth research and conceptualization for my inspiration. 

Ridiculously Favored: Who are you fashion influences?
Shane: Like any artist, my aesthetic has changed since I have started. However, over the past few years, I’ve been influenced by the work of Thierry Mugler, Givenchy, Helmut Lang, Alexander Wang, Rad Hourani, and Iris Van Herpen; just to name a few. 

Ridiculously Favored: How far do you plan to go in school?
Shane: I plan on graduating with my B.F.A. degree, which will be completed in May of 2015. 

Shane on Halloween as Andy Warhol with a friend.
Ridiculously Favored: What areas of fashion are you interested in?
Shane: My area of study at FIT is womenswear, with a concentration in knitwear. However, I’m currently interning with a menswear company in order to widen my knowledge into a new area of fashion. On my own, I’m also currently exploring the concept of unisex fashion, which I find very interesting and stimulating. 

Ridiculously Favored: What model would you love to work with when you're a big designer?
Shane: I honestly don’t really like the whole concept of modeling. I feel like people pay too much attention to the models in a fashion show, whereas the focus should be on the garments. 

Ridiculously Favored: Would you ever collaborate with another designer? If so, who?
Shane: Of course. I would be open to the idea of a collaboration, but it would have to be with a designer who has artistic integrity; not somebody who is only concerned with trends and sales. 

Ridiculously Favored: How big of a designer do you plan or hope to be? Alongside Alexander Wang or just a featured designer sold in select retailers?
Shane: I think every Fashion Design student’s dream is to have their own brand with a famous name, and my dream is no different. But like I said before, I’m going to go wherever life takes me.

Wall Art and Shane as he mocks the Panda.
Shane is the bees knees to me and I love his attitude and outlook on life and living!
Once again Shane, thank you for giving some of your time to Ridiculously Favored! It is greatly appreciated and to my readers thank you for tuning in! 

Leave comments to let me know what you think and follow Shane on Instagram @shanetsunami !
Check out some more photos of Shane below!

Shane and a friend.

Shane and a friend.

Mysterious Shane.

Cosmic Black.

Shane and a friend.

Shane and Ridiculously Favored Founder and Owner TeArra Boone take photos on FIT's campus before enjoying their first Fashion's Night Out in 2011!

Thank you!

-TeArra <3

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